Since 2005, we have been the exclusive distributor of VSR ribs from Slovenia.
Our mission is to supply and provide year after year the best VSR ribs for charter on different regattas/events around Europe.

Our headquarters and premises are located in the South of France, next to the famous sailing venue of Hyères.

Our heritage and background comes from sailing and we are well known for many decades in the marine industry. We know what the needs are for professional coaches and therefore we only supply the best ribs with best equipment.

Founder of JSD Sports, John and Andy Dinsdale have been working together all these years to build up this business.

People who know - trust in us.

Charter with us now.



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Tel: +33 (0) 6 23 48 05 64
Email: [email protected]


VSR CHARTER by JSD Sports sarl

624, chemin de la Tour

F - 83210 Solliès-Pont